Thanking God At All
Hebrews 13:15
15 Therefore by Him let us continually
offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving
thanks to His name.
Lifting up
your hands and thanking God is spontaneous and easy when you have just received
a wonderful blessing: “God, I can’t thank You enough for this miracle!”
“Thank You
Father, for answering my prayer!”
thank You for the windfall!”
Perhaps you
came close to being in a fatal accident, but God plucked you out of danger just
in time. Or your grandmother, an unbeliever for many years, finally received
Jesus as her Savior and got healed of a long-term disease.
But there
are times when you don’t feel like lifting up your hands to thank and praise
God, yet you do it. Perhaps you feel very discouraged lately. Perhaps
everything is going wrong for you and you feel like your life is in a mess. You
can’t hold back the tears. Yet, you make a conscious decision to lift your
hands and thank God for being in the situation with you. You open your mouth
and begin to praise Him even though you really don’t feel like doing it.
In the midst
of the trial that you are going through, you praise Him that He is your
righteousness in spite of all the mistakes you have made. You thank Him that He
is your Prince of Peace, and that His peace will arise in you and still the
storms in your life.
My friend,
God sees and appreciates such times when, despite feeling so discouraged, you
offer a freewill thanksgiving offering to Him. In fact, your thanksgiving
during such times is more highly prized by Him than your thanksgiving during
those times when you are feeling joyful because you have just been blessed.
And when you
choose to thank Him for His unfailing love, and His faithfulness to deliver,
protect and provide for you even when you don’t see the blessings yet, before
long, you will find yourself experiencing and enjoying the blessings! So
lift your hands and praise the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures
forever! (Psalm 106:1)
Thought Of The Day
God sees and
appreciates those times when, despite feeling so discouraged, you offer a
freewill thanksgiving offering to Him.